Red Onion Randy
My Life in the Virginia DOC
Listen to my Podcast
This is Randall Via
I’m serving 1,214 years for capital murder and armed robbery, originally at Red Onion State Prison, now at Keen Mountain Correctional Center, in Oakwood, Virginia. I am in prison, for sure, but I’m not a prisoner. I’ve learned how to be free, even here on the inside. In my podcast, I’ll tell you how you can change for the better too, in prison or not. Along the way, I plan to give you an insider’s view of the Virginia Department of Corrections, and hope to entertain you too.
Listen to my podcast and send me your comments and questions. I’ll try to respond in an upcoming episode.
Latest Episode
ROR Episode137: Religion
The Red Onion Randy Podcast features the life and times of Randall Via, who is currently serving 1,214 years in Virginia for capital murder and armed robbery. Today on the podcast Randy talks religion in prison. The podcast was founded by Michael Garbutt and Randall Via. Field and development producer, Paulie Doyle. Sound and Video Editing by @PrisonAudio
Take a Virtual Tour of Randy’s Prison Cell
The United Nation’s “Mandela Rule” dictates that being housed in solitary confinement for more that 15 days is considered torture. During his incarceration Randy has spent more that 5,000 days in solitary confinement.
This is a replica of one of the cells in Red Onion Prison that Randy spent 13 consecutive years in.
While in solitary confinement inmates spend 23 hours a day inside their cell. The windows in these cells are frosted over so inmates have no outside view.
Click on the photo below to see a 360 degree view of the cell.
Meet the Team

Randy launches his first fantasy novel: Elise and the Magic Well.